Trying to view someone’s text messages remotely using IMEI? You may be wondering the feasibility of doing this. Here in this post, we will show you the details about IMEI and if it is possible to view text messages on a cell phone with its IMEI, and the best tools to view text messages (mSpy and eyeZy).
What is an IMEI?
IMEI stands for International Mobile Station Equipment Identity. It is a number that is assigned to all mobile devices and is used to identify mobile phones. It can be found on the back of your phone or in the settings menu.
The IMEI number is unique and it can be used to find information about the phone, such as its model, serial number and network operator. The IMEI code is also used by law enforcement agencies to identify stolen phones or phones that are being used in crimes.

Can I use IMEI to view someone’s text messages?
The short answer is no.
As mentioned above, IMEI is a unique number assigned to every phone by the manufacturer, and is used mainly as an ID of a cellphone. Tracking text messages on a cellphone require access with the permissions to view the data on the device. Knowing an identification code doesn’t grant that access, so you can’t just use an ID to know what the phone owner is texting about.
But getting the access is not that hard. We will show you an easy way to do this in a bit.
Can I use IMEI to track a cellphone?
In some cases, IMEI can be used to track a cellphone. This can be done by the manufacturer of the phone or the mobile carrier. And they may use IMEI to track a phone if the device is reported to be stolen or under the request by law enforcement.
But they may not be willing to help you if you don’t just want to do this for personal purposes. Most established phone manufacturers or mobile carriers strictly comply with related privacy laws an policies. So this restricts them from helping you tracking a phone using its IMEI.
To track a cellphone or view someone’s text messages easily…
In fact, there are easier ways to track a cellphone or view its text messages than using IMEI. You can install a phone tracker on your target cellphone, and you will be able to view their text messages and other important activities.
Note that mobile trackers are intended for legal uses only. And you need to obtain the owner’s permission before you can install the software on their cellphone.
The mobile trackers we recommend using are:
mSpy is the world’s leading provider of mobile phone monitoring software and services. It is easy to use. It can be installed on the phone in just a few minutes and can be used remotely.
Another reason for choosing mSpy is that it has an extensive list of features. In addition to knowing who and what the owner are texting, it also has everything from monitoring calls, social media messages to tracking GPS location and monitoring apps installed.
To use mSpy to monitor text messages:
Step 1: Sign up for an mSpy account.
Step 2: Install the app on your spouse’s phone.
Step 3: Go to your dashboard and start to monitor your spouse’s text messages. (You can see the demo here.)

eyeZy is also one of the most popular and widely used spy app in the market. It is easy to use, affordable, and has many features. It is able to run on iPhones, iPads and Android devices. It tracks nearly every activity of the device it is installed on and stores all data in an online account.

eyeZy offers features such as:
- Monitor text messages
- Track call logs
- Track GPS location
- View photos and videos taken with the phone
With these features, you’re allowed to monitor your target’s activities with only a few clicks.
Hopefully the information above can help you understand how IMEI works and how you can track someone’s text messages easily. If you have any questions, you can leave a comment below!