Experiencing random and frequent Path of Exile lag or latency spikes? This is a common issue, and very annoying. But luckily it’s also fixable. Here are a few solutions you can try. They have helped a lot of other Path of Exile players with the same issue and they should also be able to help you.
Check the network you’re using
Your Path of Exile lag spikes issue may occur because the network you’re connecting to is not working properly. There are a few things you need to do:
- Restart your network devices (router and modem) and computers.
- Try connecting to the Internet via your mobile devices as a hotspot.
- Try using network cable to connect to Internet if you’re using a wireless connection.
If these methods worked for you, you’re in luck! But if not, check out the other fixes below…
Check your firewall or antivirus
Your firewall or antivirus program (including Windows Defender) can be interrupting your connection to Path of Exile. That can be the reason why the Path of Exile lag spikes issue is happening to you. To see if this is the case, you need to turn it off temporarily and see if the issue is gone. (Watch what you’re browsing when it’s off!)
If turning off the firewall or antivirus really works, then you should contact the vender of the software to see what they can do for you. But if not, then move on to the fixes below.
Check your DNS settings
You’re probably using the incorrect DNS settings so Path of Exile lag spikes frequently occurs. To fix them:
Step 1: Press the Win and R keys on your keyboard at the same time to launch the Run dialog.
Step 2: Type “ncpa.cpl” and press Enter on your keyboard.

Step 3: Right click your network connection (“Ethernet” for wired connection, and “Wi-Fi” for wireless), and select Properties.

Step 4: Double click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4).

Step 5: Make sure Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically are selected, then click OK. (If they already are then skip this step and go to step 7.)

Step 6: Check if this fixes your error. If not move on to the step below.
Step 7: Select Use the following DNS server addresses, then set the server addresses to the Google public DNS server addresses ( /

Step 8: Click OK.
Now test to see if this fixes your Path of Exile lag spikes issue.
Use a VPN
Using a VPN can help you bypass the interruptions to your connection to Path of Exile, which can be the cause of your Path of Exile lag spikes issue.
In fact, a VPN can help you do more than just that. It sometimes optimizes how your computer contacts the Path of Exile servers, so you may experience less connection issues.
Using a VPN usually requires some time and computer skills. If you want an easier option, you should try a VPN service. And we recommend using NordVPN.
NordVPN is an easy-to-use and fast VPN service. You’ll be able to set up a VPN connection with just a few mouse-clicks. And its fast speed servers at multiple locations offers you a comfortable and reliable experience.
To use NordVPN on your computer:
Step 1: Download and install NordVPN on your computer.
Step 2: Run NordVPN and sign in your account.
Step 3: Click the Connect switch. This will automatically connect you to the VPN server recommended for your device.

Now test your Path of Exile and see if NordVPN has helped you resolve your Path of Exile lag spikes problem.
Has any of the fixes above worked for you? Or do you have any other effective ways to fix the Path of Exile lag spikes issue? Tell us by leaving a comment below!